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Legal Clinic AMU – Inauguration

We are proud to inform you that the International Section of the AMU Legal Clinic is off to a strong start, already finishing preparations for the very first Moot Court Competitions in its history! We believe that Moot Courts pose themselves as an effective tool to develop various skills, including research, argumentation and delivery of oral presentations in front of a structured and formalized audience. Moot Courts are an excellent training exercise for everyone involved, demanding the performance of excessive case and law studies. The simulation of court trials also guides law students in their future career paths, whether as judges or as attorneys.

Although the Section started its work in October this year, we’ve already fielded two teams to participate in prestigious competitions. Our students have formed teams for the Monroe E Price International Media Law Moot Court Competition and Migration Moot Court. The first competition has over 15 years of tradition and covers the topic of freedom of expression. This year’s competition case is on Article 17 of the ICCPR. The AMU Legal Clinic Moot Court team is composed of four second-year students. The second one is the Migration Moot Court Competition, in which AMU Legal Clinic is represented by four third-year students. The case concerns a young Afghan woman, who applies for asylum in the Grand Duchy of Taurasia, a fictitious country, after the Taliban takeover in Afghanistan. The case poses many challenges and questions; it presents itself as an ideal opportunity to sharpen analytical, drafting and pleading skills.

More competitions are to come; soon the call for participants will be announced for the following competitions:

The AMU Legal Clinic also impacts the education of the students through organizing seminars. There have been three seminars organized by the Clinic on the issues related to the International Criminal Court, human rights and the digitalization of criminal proceedings.

Stay tuned for upcoming events!